September is suicide prevention month So hear is my story

For practically all of my adult life I have been dealing with depression and suicidal thoughts, most of it I believe exstianes from my being trans and the way the world looked at people like me and the way the world treated people like me.   I never even noticed that I had depression tell I started having suicidal thoughts, thinking suicide was the only way out of this mess of a life I now had and the fact that I couldn’t say with any real certainty what I was just made things worse. As the years pasted by I drank heavier and heavier and sleeped fearther down the rabbit hole of depression tell I could no longer see the light of day and nothing mattered at all, I drank very heavily at night trying to get alcohol poisoning  to die and when that didn’t work I tried a moltitued of things over the years to camite suicide. I didn’t stop trying tell about 6 year’s ago when I had my awakening, that was the day my suppressed memories came back from my childhood and then I knew What I was and I no longer had a death wish ( for a while anyway ) I joined a LGBT+ website for support and worked hard at trying to fix my brocken life, I realized why my suicide attempts had failed because for the support I got I gave back to people all around the world if I had died I wouldn’t be hear to help others. But for all my hard work and thinking I had beat my depression it came back and hit me hard 3 year’s ago around the year end holidays it got so bad that I tried to camite suicide by taking 500 500miligram Asperan and drinking a 6 pack of beer it rezolted in making me very sick the next day and for days after that. That was the last suicide attempt, iv realized I will probably always had depression and suicidal thoughts but the trick is not to give in to the depression and the little voice wispering in your ear to give up because you always have more work to do and people like you to help.    


  ❤️ ✌️   



35 thoughts on “September is suicide prevention month So hear is my story”

  1. Thankyou for taking the time and having the courage to share. I’m grateful that you didn’t succeed, and most days I’m grateful that I didn’t.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I can easily imagine how difficult it is to write about this delicate subject and your personal experience. Thank you for your courage, sharing and determination to continue your journey while helping people who cross your path. The more I read you and the more I want to know you better. Keep well.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you so much dear for your lovely comment.
    To be honest writing about my life is no big deal to me because it is what it is and I can’t change the past just the future and that is the difficult thing for me to deal with along with the people I try to help.
    Well basically my hole life is written out in my blog dear so basically anything you want to know is there to read.



  4. Carehugs and love from a mirror of what you wrote. There may be dark times. But we must look into our hearts again, and see the magic that we hold within. Healing comes from letting that magic out to support others? You have that magic always sparkle xxxxx🧜‍♂️🧚‍♂️🦄

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thank you for so honestly sharing your story… I dare say in today’s times, depression and suicidal thoughts spare no one… I pray for more courage to you ,me and all in these trying times… thank for writing this piece…and helping and inspiring everyone who happens to read…

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
    Society is filled with a lot of cruel and rotten people with opinions and agendas. They are the the ones who need to end their lives. But for the rest of us, we would be wise to discount the haters and the trolls. Sticks and stones!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for reading and the lovely comment dear.

      Ya I wish a lot of them would this world would be a better place with out them, but their time is coming.

      BY FOR NOW


      1. People are born heterosexual or homosexual and some are born with gender variance. This is not something anyone chooses. My orientation and gender are typical. That is not how it with some people. Why anyone would have a problem with that is beyond me. I can only chalk it up to cowardice and fear on the part of the haters as that is the case with all the things they hate. VOTE IN NOVEMBER!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Ya it comes down to their own fear of their sexuality and gender so they lash out at others that make them question their own, I read a new study that was done resantly that proves that.
        Unfortunately I can’t vote because of being homeless. 😕

        BY FOR NOW


  7. Well done you Dawn – we both know that life is a pot and crock of crap at times, but well done for keep on keeping on. Also well done for your absolute honesty. It may suck at times, but life is still worth the living of 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Ya I cut out because of the hurricane that was off the cost but it went buy us with little effect and I’ve had a hard time getting my phone charged seens, not too well this days.

        BY FOR NOW

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