27 thoughts on “Civil Rights Turned Topsy-Turvy”

  1. Just an opinion. If by chance we do not stop the Left from trying to have the government to provide all things to only a few, we will have to make sure that we want to live the life of those who come to the United States. People do not want to live UNFREE. Do you feel that your life will be better if you lean towards depending on the Constitution of the Land and changing it to force individuals to not be free?

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    1. Thank you for commenting dear, I think your confused a bit it’s not the left but the alt-right that is trying to get around the Constitution to make it legal to discriminate against people.

      BY FOR NOW

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      1. I’ve read pick’s post several times.

        It’s wrong about what the poster thinks the Left wants.
        How would changing the Constitution to protect LGBTQ+ People “force individuals to not be free”?

        Maybe I’m not reading it correctly or it isn’t written clearly, but I sure agree with Dawn.

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      2. LGBTQ are already protected by the constitutioin. We do not need Laws and Rules for each and every class of people, due to the fact that there are no classes. You will never be able to legislate morality.

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      3. That is what your not getting here, their trying to say that the LGBT+ community is not protected under the Constitution because it’s not stated directly in the Constitution and their trying to get the Supreme Court to say it’s not so they can legally discriminate against the LGBT+ community, that’s the problem here !!!

        BY FOR NOW

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      4. The “community is covered under the Constitution of the United States as people. There is very little room for one to Legislate based on feels of self nor a precept of how others may feel. There is history of The “Community” in many of the writings on mankind. In most cases the subject is presented rather cryptically and many need to learn about older definitions of words and phrases. What is it that I am not getting here?

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      5. Not according to the Republicans who claim they are not.

        Title VII of the US Constitution prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin. 

        It doesn’t specify LGBTQ+ people. So Republicans are suing to allow businesses & employers to be able to discriminate.

        Trans people can no longer serve in the military! That is OUTRAGEOUS.

        What few protections people had were stripped away by the trump admin in his obsession to reverse anything Obama.

        Trans people are not protected under the Constitution at this time.

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      6. Your explanation of Title VII of the US Constitution covers all people. Our founding documents cover all things solid. Feelings are not an issue of law. Just because one feels a certain way does not sanctify the need for a law. Now, I do agree that there are possibilities for people to treat people differently based on how they feel. It is tuff to accept, but that is the way things are. RE: previous comment.

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      7. Well then by your statement we should just do away with the Bill of Rights and let people discriminate based on their feelings and say all well that’s the way things are, how God dame stuped that is !!!

        BY FOR NOW

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      8. The Constitution is wonderful, but it’s writer’s didn’t mean to include all people. Black people & women were not thought to be included. They were the property of white men at that time. LGBTQ+ people had to hide who they were because they, along with black people could be killed without consequences. Different kinds of people could LEGALLY be discriminated against per the Supreme Court.
        Our founding documents from the late 1700s allow for Amendments for a reason. As far as I remember, only the Prohibition Amendment took rights away. This isn’t about feelings. It’s about making sure LGBTQ+ people are GUARANTEED the same Constitutional rights as everyone else in America.
        The Republicans don’t think the Constitution covers trans people & want the SCOTUS to rule in their favor so it is legal to discriminate against trans people. It doesn’t sound very American to me.

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      9. The PDA docs are of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, I don’t know if I still have the article on my computer or if it was on the server and lost now.

        BY FOR NOW

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  2. I don’t know what the comment above has to do with the article, but I certainly don’t feel being systemically discriminated against legally makes anyone free.
    Discrimination of anyone by anyone should NOT be allowed. I certainly see absolutely no reason to discriminate against trans people, but that isn’t reality. Laws are needed with stiff penalties for discrimination and physical harm of trans people! The Constitution should be amended to recognize and protect trans people. It’s still a stain and failure of humanity to treat people this way.
    Sorry such a long comment, but this pisses me off! What kind of scum wants to make discrimination EASIER? 🤬

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    1. Hay dear, Thank you for the comment, your right on the scum part only scum thinks their better than everyone else and should have the right to put others down and it’s not gust trans people their now after they want to take away cis women’s rights as well. 😤 😒

      BY FOR NOW

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      1. I’m with Dawn and Crimson on this, it is legal to fire someone in my state because they are Trans. It has been done. And they are getting away with it. We need to protections explicated.

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      2. Thank you for reading and commenting Lona, I’m srongly against discrimination and if we need a 3 thousand page law explicitly writing everything out to get it done then that is what need to get done !!!

        BY FOR NOW

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