America’s New military division

I read about this breaking news last night on the net as I was gone throw a bounce of other news articles on Opera  ( a wed browser ) .  

“Hold on to your hats people your gonna love this one.” 😂  😝

Are infemise grand leader has dicided we needed a new military division for the twenty first centre !!!     

“” Introducing are new division  “” Space Command  “” !!!     A special alete fighting force for the new battleground, A alete group of specially trained soldiers to diffend america !!!   

Because as we all know the  ” Marshan’s from Uranyis ” are attacking and we need the  “” Space Command “”  to diffend america from Uranyis “”!!!    

Better yet why don’t we seened the genuice behind this mind blowing over extravagant plan to Uranyis in his own private space rocket along with piss head and any other monkey that supports this extravagant waste of money that is beyond are current technology to even hafe assly pull off !!!   

And for God’s sake’s couldn’t he have comeup with a better name then  ” Space Command “, I think someone has been watching too much ” Buck Roger’s ” lately !!!   😝 😂 🤣    

❤️ ✌️